Spirited Hearts the podcast
Welcome to Spirited Hearts® The Podcast with Stephanie Heartfield. This is a space filled with rich, beautiful, authentic, alive and empowering conversations about parenting, motherhood, natural learning, homeschooling, early childhood education and life. Nothing is off limits, and we explore many of life's challenges and struggles, as well as the beauty and joy. Filled with heartfelt and meaningful content, this is the perfect podcast for you if you want to delve into the deep topics of life in an aware space where you are welcome to reflect and enjoy a cup of tea. Steph is a trauma-informed & neuro-arffirming Play Therapist, Counsellor, Early Childhood Educator, Level 2 Aware Parenting Instructor, the founder of Spirited Hearts® a multi-service community business dedicated to providing the most emotionally safe and supportive space to children, families and educators, and The Heartfield Way Mentor Program.
Spirited Hearts the podcast
24. Family-Centered Natural Learning with Joss Goulden
In this week’s episode I welcome back fellow Aware Parenting Instructor, Joss Goulden. We have a beautiful conversation about natural learning, something we are both passionate about.
Joss shares her journey into homeschooling her now 2 teenage children following a family-centered natural learning approach.
We also discuss:
- The history of the education system
- How children can have more freedom to be themselves at home
- School traumas and how that has impacted us as adults
- Different types of learning
- Natural learning when your child does go to school
- Intrinsic motivation
- Meeting the learning needs of each individual child
- Plus so much more.
Where to Find Joss:
Website: Aware Parenting with Joss
Instagram: @awareparentingwithjoss
Facebook: Aware Parenting with Joss
Podcasts: Aware Parenting Stories Podcast and Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Podcast
Resources Mentioned:
Raising Resilient and Compassionate Children by Lael Stone and Marion Rose Ph.D
Free to Learn by Peter Gray
How Children Learn by John Holt
Joss is a parenting coach and mentor. She supports families to create more connection, awareness and joy in parenting. She is an Aware Parenting Instructor certified with the Aware Parenting Institute and has been practising Aware Parenting for 16 years. Joss is also a mother of 2 children, aged 18 and 16. Joss is passionate about sharing this beautiful approach with parents. “I love Aware Parenting because it creates strong, connected relationships in our families and gives parents the tools, based on scientific research, to support our children to be cooperative, connected to their authentic selves and loving. I believe that Aware Parenting is THE solution for so many of the challenges facing the world. I am also really passionate about Homeschooling and Natural Learning.”
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